Navigating the River of Doubt: Understanding God's Goodness Amidst Evil

Aug 12, 2024

Welcome to another episode of the Post-Sermon Reflections Podcast, where we connect Sunday morning learning to Monday morning living. In this episode, hosts Brianna and Liam tackle a challenging question from Pastor Brennan's sermon on doubt: "If God is all-powerful and always good, why is there so much evil in the world?"

Brianna and Liam dive into philosophical, theological, and personal perspectives, discussing how to reconcile the presence of evil with the belief in a good and powerful God. They explore how suffering can lead to a deeper understanding of God's character and how our responses to tragedy can impact others' faith journeys.

Join us as we wrestle with these profound questions and seek to find hope and clarity in the midst of doubt and suffering. Don't forget to subscribe and share this episode with anyone who might benefit from this encouraging and thought-provoking discussion.