Do I Need A More Progressive Christianity?

Jul 28, 2024    Brennan Coughlin

In this sermon, we dive into the complexities of faith, doubt, and the cultural influences on Christianity. Many Christians today are deconstructing their faith, questioning core beliefs, and struggling with doubt. But doubt can be a path to deeper faith. We reflect on Acts 15:1-21, where early Christians faced the challenge of separating the gospel from cultural conditions.

We explore the concept of disenculturation, the importance of restoring faith to its original beauty, and the dangers of conflating the gospel with cultural and political ideologies. This sermon encourages believers to discern between the gospel and cultural add-ons, ensuring that the core message of grace remains clear and unclouded.

Join us as we paddle down the river of doubt, learn to separate biblical truth from cultural influences, and restore our faith in the pure gospel of Jesus Christ. Let's navigate this journey together, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus and using Scripture as our moral compass.